Standard 7

As per APST 7, teachers are required always engage professionally with colleagues, parents/ carers and the wider community. This is central to transforming professional development and being an outstanding member of the profession.

Focus Area 7.1
Within this outcome, FA 7.1 teachers are required to both understand and apply the key principles described in the codes of ethics and conduct for the teaching profession.

Annotation: This is feedback provided to me by my University supervisor that I feel displays my demonstration of FA 7.1. I always ensure that I am respectful, gracious and mature in every context but I am especially conscious of this within a school context as there is a certain expectation that I hold myself accountable to. I place a great deal of emphasis of acting professionally and ethically when interacting with staff, students as well as parents and as such I do feel that this feedback captures my ability to both understand and apply key principals within the teaching code of conduct.

Critical Reflection:

“Ostensibly, the code of ethics within the Australian education system correlate for 2 central reasons; to reinforce the trust of the greater community in the profession” while guiding my conduct as a professional teacher. (Schwimmer & Maxwell, 2017, p.143) My explicit understanding, particularly of outcome 7.1 provides a platform with which I can conduct myself with the upmost dignity and respect at all times. The multi-faceted nature of teaching can sometimes complicate the level of understanding I need to employ regarding ethical frameworks so I consistently exhibit maturity and graciousness as it will always be received well. 
My behaviour in the classroom, as demonstrated in the above excerpt, is representative of my belief that “prioritising instrumental rationality” is critical. (Schwimmer & Maxwell, 2017, p.146) Although it may seem unconventional, these effective practices nurture student well-being as their welfare is central to all ethical frameworks and conduct. Teaching is not a rigid profession and in exchange for exercising professional autonomy, I am committed exhibiting the key principles described within the codes of ethics and conducts. The implications of not maintaining a professional, respectful and ethically charged approach can be detrimental to my development as a professional and consequently my students and I feel that the above excerpt is an insight to my achievement of APST 7.1. 

Reference List:

Schwimmer, M., & Maxwell, B. (2017). Codes of ethics and teachers’ professional autonomy. Ethics And Education12(2), 141-152.

Focus Area 7.2
The importance of understanding FA 7.2 and the relevant legislative, administrative and organisational policies and processes that are required for teachers determines their overall success within the school stage.

Annotation: The above excerpt from one of my many lesson plans from my professional placement at a catholic school demonstrates how closely I followed the legislative, organisational and administrative policy/ processes. This is a useful skill as it speaks directly to the adaptability and versatility that is required as a teacher. I simply worked closely with the school administrative and organisational policy which is why for example, there is explicit mention of the backward design model and why the lesson begins with a religious prayer.

Critical Reflection:

As I have completed professional placements within the NSW catholic sector, I have been exposed to the varying legislative, administrative and organisational policies against most of my learnings throughout the course which predominately focus on the Australian Curriculum as a whole. Evidenced in my lesson plan above, it is clear that I have meticulously referenced and subsequently developed a lesson plan that mirrors the administrative and organisational policies of a secondary school within Sydney’s catholic diocese.
In order to satisfy outcome 7.2 I ensure all lesson planning begins with the relevant curriculum documents and then explicate the appropriate legislative and organisational processes that are necessary to demonstrate my understanding of the importance of APST 7.2. For example making time for prayer and intentions at the beginning of the lesson and implementing the ‘Backward Design’ model throughout the my pedagogical structure.
I am aware that as the curriculum develops or while I work within the varying education sectors of NSW, my processes will evolve accordingly, keeping consistent my competency levels for this focus area.

Focus Area 7.3
Within this outcome, FA 7.3, it is important to demonstrate an understanding of strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidentially with parents/carers.

Annotation: Above is an excerpt from one of my various lesson plans during my practicum block. It was within this practicum that I slowly began to acclimate to the sensitivity and ethical focus required when engaging with parents and carers of students. While I was unable to de-identify the actual feedback of which this lesson refers to, I felt this was a good indication to demonstrate the steps I was beginning to take in order to satisfy 7.3 of the APST.

Critical Reflection:

Governmental policy and procedure alongside empirical research acknowledge the positive influence that the use of effective strategies can have on parent/ carer engagement with their child’s schooling process. In order to satisfy outcome 7.3 within my practicum schedule I had to consistently oscillate between effective, sensitive and confident interactions with all parents/ carers. Primarily, educating myself on the potential limitations of effective parent-teacher communication informed my ability to be able to satisfy outcome 7.3 as I was aware of what behaviours and strategies, I needed to implement in order to establish these valuable interactions. “Teacher efficacy, time constraints, socioeconomic and cultural barriers” (Ellis et al., 2015, p.169) commonly impede on teachers being able to work with parents/ carers and so I focussed on refining my own efficacy, time management and empathy when beginning these exchanges.
Implementing collaborative, approachable and informed communicative approaches with parents/ carers during my limited tenure on my placement was in fact a goal of mine and having this correspondence with parents was something that permeated again throughout as many lessons as was appropriate. I focussed on the “quality of contact” (Ellis et al., 2015, p.163) between myself and parents/ carers by practicing positive interactions like, for instance, offering positive, constructive feedback on practice exams that parents will have to read and sign as per the example above. The feedback I received from parents extremely encouraging.

Reference List:

 Ellis, M., Lock, G., & Lummis, G. (2015). Parent-Teacher Interactions: Engaging with Parents and Carers. Australian Journal Of Teacher Education40(5), 161-174.

Focus Area: 7.4
Within this outcome, FA 7.4, it is critical to be able to fully understand the role of external professionals and community representatives in broadening my professional knowledge and practice as an in-service teacher

Annotation: I developed a professional learning plan early on in my MTeach where I outlined my desire to become an active member of the wider teaching community. Relative not only to my aspirations of becoming an outstanding English teacher but also my desire to become a well-versed, respected member of the greater educational community in NSW, my professional knowledge and practice will transform with the involvement of these groups. In fact, I have already initiated my membership with the ETA NSW which in my opinion, satisfies outcome 7.4 of the APST.

Critical Reflection:

As I have engaged with the literature over the duration of the course, I have come to understand that there is a certain misrepresentation of the theory that the “quality of teaching” is a function of the “quality of the teacher.” (Gore et al., 2017, p.109 ) Oftentimes this implies that the academic credentials of the teacher are the only definitive factor in their efficiency however what the literature is explicating is that it is the professional development of the teacher that contributes to their effectiveness. I myself, am an example of the profound value of investing in the professional knowledge and practice of (teachers) as I have focussed on effectively engaging with external professionals and community representatives in order to evolve as a pre-service teacher. My PLP has come to fruition and in an attempt to satisfy outcome 7.4 of the APST I have sought involvement from the ETA NSW. My confidence and effective practice have improved dramatically, and I advocate for professional development as the driving force behind my own efficacy.

Reference List:
Gore, J., Lloyd, A., Smith, M., Bowe, J., Ellis, H., & Lubans, D. (2017). Effects of professional development on the quality of teaching: Results from a randomised controlled trial of Quality Teaching Rounds. Teaching And Teacher Education68, 99-113.

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